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Our Talents
Adam Lo
Language Ability
Native Cantonese, basic English and Mandarin 母語廣東話,基本英語與普通話
Qualifications / Experience
Taken advanced emcee training courses 修讀過進階司儀訓練課程
Hosted various events, including banquets, seminars, marathons, music performances 持有不同場合司儀經驗,如晚宴、講座、馬拉松活動、音樂表演等
Awarded Champion at the C2 Master of Ceremonies Volunteer Group Competition C2 司儀技巧大比試 13 - 全場總冠軍
Energetic and adaptable, able to create the suitable atmosphere 有活力,善於製造氣氛,應變能力高,笑容燦爛
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