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Our Talents

Erica Tsoi

Language Ability

  • Native Cantonese 母語廣東話

  • Proficient English and Mandarin 流利英語與普通話

  • Basic Japanese 基本日語

Qualifications / Experience

  • Graduated from La Voix Emcee Course 修畢 La Voix Emcee 司儀課程

  • Graduated from Master of Arts in Bilingual Corporate Communication, PolyU 畢業於香港理工大學中英企業傳訊文學碩士學位課程

  • Hosted various events, including ceremonies, seminars, wedding banquets 擁有不同場合司儀經驗,如典禮、講座、婚宴等


  • Stable and decent 台風穩定、動靜皆宜


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